My lost mojo

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May 27, 2013 by Kym


Mojo: Self-confidence, Self-assuredness. As in basis for belief in ones self in a situation (

In the past I might have said I have lost my mojo and then hid under the doona and not try to find out how to get the little bastard back. However there are a few changes that I have made recently that means that I do want to find it and I am not going to wish, hope or pray for it to come back. I am going to go and get it and bring it back (probably kicking and screaming).

It is week 3 of my second round and I have come to a grinding halt. Actually that is probably not wholly true because I would have had to be motoring along to come to a grinding halt and I wasn’t really. I have some meals made up in the freezer but I haven’t planned a week properly yet. I haven’t listened to one of the videos yet and I haven’t completed one of the challenges. I have been doing 3 or 4 exercise sessions a week instead of the 6 and I have been eating way too much Lindt Mint Intense (read binging).


I have been flat out drinking a glass of water a day let alone the 4 litres I should be having (diet softdrink ahoy!!).  I have been dirty let me tell you. Not much clean at all.

So now that I have outlined my ‘crimes’ such as they were I am going to outline the positives. I didn’t eat bags and bags of cheese and onion chips with sour cream, blocks of white chocolate, meat pies and chips and gravy. I did exercise 3-4 times in the last 2 weeks and I did drink some water.

I think what I need to get out of this is that I am not perfect, I can and will make mistakes and after 37 years of developing really shitty, greedy habits they are going to take time to change. I have to learn not to beat myself up and just make the changes. Some people might do it faster and better but I need to be concerned about me and how I am going to get myself and my family there (This is a hard one for me as I am competitive and compare myself to others all the time).

Steps to finding my mojo:

  • Plan (don’t just have 3 different types of meals in the freezer and expect that they are going to keep your interest for the whole week. This has proven to not be the case)
  • Don’t drink soft drink (any, diet or otherwise. I know that they are full of shit)
  • Start doing my 6 days of exercise (just remember that I don’t have to do it in one lump. I can do some in the morning, some at lunch and in the evening to make sure that I am burning the calories)
  • Be HONEST with myself (This is the big one I think. Pull myself up and say hey you are making a choice here)

I look forward to hearing from anyone on how they have found their elusive mojo. Steps that have worked for them that might help others. I think that there are a few of us out there that are missing our mojo.

 I am going to get my mojo back.

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